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La Pouponniere Co-operative


Our goal at La Pouponnière Co-op Daycare is to provide a safe and happy environment, to nurture the child's social, emotional, cognitive, intellectual, creative and physical needs and development. This will be achieved through positive role modelling and encouragement by staff as well as through our programming.

La Pouponnière Co-operative Daycare Center believes that the environment children are in during the day should be one that is rich in warmth and love with an emphasis on co-operation, courtesy, nurturing,

security and non-violence. Stimulating experiences that enhance the development of our children, by providing for their individuality, natural curiosity and everyday life experiences are an important aspect of the daycare philosophy as well.

We believe that all children should be entitled to these basic rights:

1. Relief and protection in all circumstances

2. Social security to grow and develop in good health

3. Special protection to develop physically, mentally, socially and emotionally

4. Love and understanding in the care of his/her parents

5. Name and nationality, and

6. To be brought up in a spirit of friendship, among peoples, wherein he/she can develop his/her abilities to become the best person he/she can be.

As parents and staff we believe that the best care can be offered to the children of our daycare by our co-operation with one another. Only when parents become and remain involved in the daycare's activities can meaningful links be established between home and daycare. These links, in turn, enhance the individual development of each child.

For additional information, please contact the daycare center at (306) 767-2214 or Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.


Heures et jours d’opération et frais

La pouponnière coop est ouverte de 8h00 à 18h00 du lundi au vendredi excluant les jours ferriers. Des arrangements peuvent être discutés pour des heures prolongées.

Fees Soon.

Village of Zenon Contact

Administrator - Ashley Horvath-Semenoff 
Email -

Office Hours

  • 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Tuesday - Thursday
  • Closed for Lunch 12:30-1:00